Friday, January 24, 2014

Hello everyone,

Sad to say this, but I'll be stopping my challenge early. This is because I managed to find an internship at a start-up. They are currently developing a phone app for f&b business.

I am really quite excited for it, because it rocks working for a start-up. Firstly, if I'm not out pitching to clients, I get to go to work in berms and slippers (NO MORE UNCOMFORTABLE FORMAL ATTIRE YAY). And you can blast/plug in earphones at work. The structure is also very flat where I can just go to my boss and voice out my opinions.

Yup, the app will be launching in Feb, and hopefully it will be a success. Till then, take care everybody!

PS: 422 ( Down $157)

Pinnaclesports : $74 euros ( Up 49 euros)

Satellite: $300

Live poker: +1188

Wins/losses: $1373SGD

Amount away from target: $3627

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