Thursday, December 12, 2013

Awesome night

This gotta be the best night thus far.

Woke up at around noon time, went around my house but no food so i went back to sleep hahaha. Woke up at 3pm. Played some starcraft, and then sat down and watched Assassinato's training video.

Assassinato is truly inspiring, he teaches you not only poker stuff, but also how to manage your money, life and emotions etc. I would recommend everyone taking poker seriously (MTTs) to go watch his training videos on pocketfives. Although they do need a subscription fee, there are several promos where you can deposit and get 3 months of subscription free ( that's what i did ^^).

So tonight was the big night, I had the 2nd chance freeroll for LWPS (tournament on a cruise) on Pokerstars, and another satellite for LWPS on SuitedAce. I only registered for 2 other tournaments, the big 5.50 and the 2.20 rebuys, so that I can fully concentrate for my satellites.

LWPS Satellite

So, I managed to qualify for the LWPS (worth about $250usd), from a field of 55 people. Ran quite well, got in my stack AA vs AK vs AJ hahahah. So after this satellite, the satellite on SuitedAce is still ongoing. I was thinking " Hmmmm, I don't really need 2 seats do I". Wanted to dump some chips, but I realised there's no downside to me playing properly and get another seat. Firstly, I can deprive another dude of the seat ( less people = higher chance of winning). Secondly, I would want to play the best poker that I could. 

And being the pro me (kidding), I shipped the satellite on SuitedAce as well. Talked to the people in pokerkaki and hopefully I can take the 2nd seat for SGD$300 cash. Yes! My effort of playing properly paid off. 

So wow everything is going right for me. However, I busted the big 5.50 and only left the $2.20rebuys. Lol, I was 1-tabling all the time because I didn't want to register for more tournaments so that I can rest for LWPS. Wow but I ran so well again. 
Took 4th for $815

Took 4th for this tournament, the last hand was quite sian. Had QK in the cutoff, standard 2bb raise. Got 3bet by the button ( some russian dude), I called and flop was Kxx. I check he bets i check raise he jams. Turns out he had a flush draw. Sigh.

Oh well. Still a good night overall! Shall rest for Friday before going for LWPS.

PS: $1215 ( up $636 )

Pinnaclesports : $58.15 euros ( Up 33.15 euros)

Satellite: $300

Live poker: -$400-$15(cab fare)

Wins/losses: $736 SGD

Amount away from target: $4264

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